Last updated: 2024-02-08
After mom died it finally became obvious that my siblings had no intention of leveling with me about their shenanigans with family assets, about their decades of manipulating mom and the way they later took advantage of her declining mental capacity. I made this short video series to clarify in my own mind why I needed to take them to court.
At the time I personally was more interested in making animated videos. I had written a text to speech application and wanted to test it's lip synchronization facility with a set of hastily drawn up images for visemes detected in the text. Hence my use of a doll with large lips as the narrator. With AI, this kind of software technology is obsolete now, but some might find it amusing anyway.
It doesn't take away from the fact that what is being presented exposes seious malfeasance, corruption and collusion that makes a complete mockery of the entire New Zealand legal aparatus and the unjust ripoffs that were empowered. It is my intention to document and expose the whole farce that was perpetrated and this time I won't be respecting anyone's privacy given the way I've been maligned and abused.