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I rarely remember my dreams but i woke op early and this one ws fresh in my mind.
Walking with a bar maid from a pub i used to frequent years ago and i spot a glass bottle in the grass. I reach down and snatch up what appears to be an ancient flagon with a picture of a dogs face flaking off. The rim has been chipped but ground smooth in surf on a beach. It has a lot of character, but somehow I feel compelled to give it to the woman who also likes it. I'm annoyed with myself. Why did I do that? She means nothing to me, but OTOH I have nowhere to put it.
May be it's to do with me finding new homes for my dogs Tama and Māyā, because I'm not coping with them here. There is nowhere to walk with them except on the beach and the many hours trudging thru soft sand has made an old knee injury and my hernia resurface. Māyā ran off with Lucy's ball and lost it yesterday and again another ball today and they are expensive balls. She wouldn't come when i called and i couldn't run after her. I'm angry about why we are so being restricted by sanctimonious female bureaucrats on a power trip. A guy on X says just to pay them and move on, but i see no way out... nowhere to move to.
Just being allowed a nice nature walk with my dogs seems too much to ask for here in shithole Karamea. I see no way out. Over the past 20 years authorities have blocked all my plans, stolen all my dreams, cheated me out of everything i worked for, taken my inheritance and left me nothing worth living for. Maybe it's time for war.
There was a question about how one should respond to abuse as shown in their video and I replied I would have smacked them in the gob. Consequently I was banned from posting for a week for allegedly promoting violence
Coincidentally it was consequent to this discussion where I called someone bitchy
for slagging a man off for the cut of his clothes.
In real life, Winston Peters has just tabled an act in line with free speech union to guarantee free speech and to counter rampant cancel culture.
The militant woke left is up in arms about that.
As a prime example, this bitch starts stalking me and making distorted accusations and I have little doubt he's part of a sinister mob causing me to get flagged and reported.
I've suffered this kind of shit for far too long already!
Elon's X is no free speech platform and I'm so thru with trying to tiptoe thru their cancel-culture minefield. It was all a pretentious pack of lies, wasn't it just Elon? How about YOU "go fuck yourself" this time. I won't be back.
The split second court opens on Monday, X Corp will be filing a thermonuclear lawsuit against Media Matters and ALL those who colluded in this fraudulent attack on our company
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) November 18, 2023
Yesterday Tama and Māyā were in the back garden watching sheep when suddenly we hear the yappers out front. They both jumping the useless fence with ease. Having just had a shower and still in my dressing gown I have to rush out to get them. I'm treated to a barage of typical West Coast verbal abuse although I am confident my dogs had done nothing and never even heard mine bark back.
Today dog control came and took my lovely Tama away. I was too distressed to record it, but like the lovely dog he is, Tama obediently got in to their van when I told him to and I kissed him goodbye. Hence just a picture of him communicating with me at home recently.
I'm very concerned their van was all slippery stainless steel and then they drive him sliding around with nothing to brace himself over that tortuous road to Westport. It shows what ignorant assholes these pen pushers truly are. They even made me sign a form accepting liability for costs like feeding him. They would not let me cross that out, but said they wouldn't be imposing it... we shall see.
The only reason I did let them take him is because due to situation with UK and Dutch Superannuation not being paid for over a year now I can't aford to feed myself, or pay the bills here let alone fix the useless fences, but I know he will be in serious distress without me as I am without him for company. My current situation is way out of control and financially destitute there is nothing I can do to fight back.
Although I've not been sent to twitter jail recently I have had some posts hidden, allegedly for "hateful behavior".
Now some were quite obviously just trigger words. Like I had made a typo, putting a 'K' instead of an 'L' in the word like
(they are next to each other on the keyboard) and it seemed to think I was being anti-semitic. Then there was one where I suspect they decided the word cis as opposed to trans would be a slur.
Despite best intentions I think it still fails as freespeech as it feels like walking on eggshells as we tip-toe through the minefield of hurt feelings and cancel culture.
Since Elon Musk took over Twitter it has become a viable platform for my generic time line and I've been posting short tweets videos and photos for some time now there. I will continue using this site for pages on more extended topics but won't be maintaining this thread. Instead I have two Twitter accounts that I may switch between when appropriate.
Ivor has been working hard replacing my roof. It was an anticipated expense, however he discovered there was NO INSULATION and recommended we put it in now, or the whole roof would have to come off again to put it in later.
I'm feeling bloody pissed off at the guy I paid for a pre-purchase inspection. He didn't pick up on ANYTHING! OK, so he was just a builder but they wouldn't let the professional I booked do his job because suddenly the vendors were "self isolating with Covid" the day he was due.
I could have got insulation paid for by a government subsidy if they had told me to apply sooner. Even the real estate agent, a wealthy slum lord in this area, got his paid for, but never thought to tell me to apply while I could.
My chimney had to come down as it was the main source of leaks. It was so rotten that Ivor (the roofer) didn't even need his sledge hammer to collapse it. The fire place can't be used without a chimney, so now I have no heating for the winter.
Maybe I can get government subsidy for a heat pump, but to me it doesn't look like the mains has the capacity to power one of those. Ivor even thought those wires were just for telephone as they are so thin! We shall see when they come inspect my place on 21st March but I don't have high hopes. Infact I'm bloody depressed about it all at the moment.
I've been discussing things on Twitter now that Elon Musk protects free speech there! There is a lot going, especially with the loony left usurping the narrative. I shall be updating my "race war" pages as well as my hate pages to denounce it!
Meanwhile I'm preparing to stand trial in Christchurch for "dog leash infringements". I'm going to expose the full farce of it and the hateful little cunts that instigated it all for no reason. I don't think I will win, but atleast finally I will get a say... Regardless the conclusion don't expect me to just lie down and quietly die!
It hasn't rained properly since I got here and I was concerned about my tank running dry as the pump seemed to be running most of the time. Then Paul, the realestate agent, spotted there was water in the pressure tank and explained it should just be air in there, so I ordered a new one. It arrived the very next day. Fitted it myself and it was an improvement, but still would run regularly even when I wasn't using any water.
I had noticed a hissing sound under the kitchen floor, so now I took up a board and sure enough there was a leak! The pipes are badly corroded. I fear the whole lot should be replaced, or it will just keep happening. Meanwhile I have to switch my water off so it won't run the tank dry.
I posted in a private local group on Facebook (so the stalkers can't find me, hopefully). They gave me a contact for a plumber, Mike Best, from Granity. I phoned him and he happens to be coming up this way to do a job on Friday... However the parts he needed for that job didn't arrive so his visit has been now been postponed to Tuesday or Wednesday next week.
Update: although I phoned him many times and he reassured me he would be coming... months went by and he never did. By sheer coincidense I saw his plumbing van visiting the upmarket residence where he must have been doing their spa pool. He didn't contact me and didn't come to my place even though I would have paid what-ever he asked for, regardless if he could help me.
I can only assume he doesn't want me as a client, yet all he had to do is tell me so I could get somone else. Today, my pipes are leaking worse than ever... I could get anyone else to come, so trying to work out how to fix it myself. Either way I would not hire a wanker like him even if he were the last plumber on the planet and my life depended on it! Well done Mike Best, I won't be recommending you! Get fuct asshole!
Finally moving home, and I see there was loads more space in the removal van so I wish I had brought over my archery target and spare bits of timber and the firewood logs and the starter herbs Kate had given me and dug up the Jurusalem artichokes, and taken one of the heat pumps, and the venetian blinds, but I didn't. Reality is that I was physically exhausted and concerned I don't have as much space in the new place.
Setting off about 5am. I let my phone plot the route and followed it blindly. Was well on my way before I realized it was sending me the long way round. Unfamiliar with this Arthur's Pass route I tanked up the next opportunity. It was in the middle of nowhere but a bargain price.
Lucy and Tama (my dogs) were as good as gold on the trip and I gave them a nice walk somewhere near Greymouth, and then again once I got to the coast.
The same trolls that defaced my Bitchute channels and slandered me on Carl Bromleys social media escalated personal attacks on my Rumble uploads. These assholes don't want to engage on topic. They produce no content of their own. Their sole aim is to trash whatever I create. It's cowardly cyber stalking with malice. Here is one repeating the same delusional crap that Amanda has been spreading and clearly connected with the illegal shenanigans and malevolent abuse from my siblings.
Alas Rumble has no means to block them. I get no notifications and I got fed up looking for their billious posts on each and every upload of mine every single day, so I told Rumble to just shut my account down. Once again a tech platform is empowering cancel culture and so becomes a liability to creators who use it. This is not free speech. It's hate mongering and persecution.
I had all my photos on one drive gradually going thru deleting the failures and hadn't been doing backups when suddenly the display of icons locks up. I reboot and try again, then I get a warning of imanent drive failure. As it was an internal drive I removed it and put in a new one. These SATA SSD's can be connected to a usb adaptor and then used like a memory stick.
I spent ages copying folders but it would get so far and then lock up again. I was quite depressed knowing there were many lovely photos that were lost. I posted about it on Twitter and someone suggested how to clone the drive and some software for recovering images too, so I tried. Cloning the 1TB took some time but completed in the early hours the next day and many more files were now accessible on the clone drive.
Some images simply would not display as it said the file contained errors but having saved RAW image format as well I could recover some from those. Here is one where the RAW format was also corrupted, but many pictures were not worth keeping anyway.
In the future I need to copy them to a backup drive straight away and then after sorting them out overwrite them with just the ones I want to keep.
Consequent to mobs of cyber trolls flagging me, my Facebook accounts have been sysematically deleted.
What was my crime?
I had made a puppy blog... Yes, a fucking
As expected the assiduous hate mongering by said trolls also resulted in escalation of hate crimes against me and my property. Vandalism, verbal abuse and deliveries have gone missing.
Alas I don't have security cameras anymore because in the past the neigbourhood (consequent to slander and malicious gossip) took exception to my having them and they were stolen.
I'm also out of pocket, having been black listed by insurance companies even though I've never made any claim.
Authorities have been encouraging and empowering these haters while penalizing me without even hearing my side.
The police are worse than useless.
I'm not putting up with any more of this shit.
Until "authorities" sort it out they can go to Hell now.
Carry out all of those threats, I will fight back and you cunts are not going to break me this time, because life itself isn't worth living under your regime.
As this Facebook troll post makes clear, they are not going to stop.
OTOH, I don't see why I should eek out the rest of my life suffering in silence and in fear of persecution when I've done nothing to harm anyone ever.
I haven't been blogging here much lately because Twitter has been flexible about my participation. However things progressed a bit and it's time to get the Hell out of dystopian Hell hole Christchurch, but where to?
My first concern is walking and training my dogs in pleasant surroundings and I don't want to be coerced to draging them round on leads. Instead I teach them to be well behaved and respond to verbal commands. Let's have a look at some other areas in New Zealand. Over on the West coast perhaps?
Just a random example and I think Lucy will be fine, as will Tama soon. Not sure about the sand flies at certain times of year, but otherwise we look forward to it. Will check out some more and also their by-laws before falling for that trap again!
My next problem is that my home is worth very little due to Earthquake damage. Selling it for land value will likely leave me unable to have a roof over my head, especially because New Zealand authorities will descend like a flock of vultures to "recover" fees they claim I owe them for the shit they've been putting me through.
A few years back I experienced bureaucrats colluding with teams of lawyers as they screwing me over real good and anticiapte the little Hitlers doing the same this time.
Marlborough District Council bullied me off my "live the dream" section in the sounds and so I won't be buying anything where I need planning permission, or resource consents until I get some answers from the judiciary about what the fuck went on back then. Even my own lawyers never told me why they didn't represent me in court. Neither did the useless cunts ever file my counter claim.
Started taking Fuego out on his own. It's to teach him one on one to walk nicely with me. With the other dogs there he is too riled up, barking and pulling on the lead with all his might. He set the other dogs off too, but on his own he's been a little angel. I think he will learn quickly. He is of course devastated when it's not his turn and have to I leave him at home on his own.
Nature walks are realxing with the dogs off the lead as this breed has loads of energy to burn, but I also want to train Tama. He's fine on the lead and doesn't bother Lucy so I took them out at 3:30am.
Lucy was obedient as always and trotting ahead to wait at the next junction when a guy pushing a laden shopping trolly (WTF at 3:30am in the dark?) started shouting abuse at me from the other side of the road. He demanded I put my dog on the lead. He had a dog with him that he said would teach mine how to fight. To me his dog looked perfectly relaxed and Lucy wasn't interested. I told him to mind his own business and we carried on.
Further up there was a cat and I had to restrain Tama. Luckily he didn't start barking like Fuego would have done. I really don't like making noise that might disturb people's sleep. Lucy remained calm. She looked at me and I told her what a good girl she is and to walk on with me. Tama was then happy to follow.
We got home where Fuego was sad and wanted a cuddle. Then I played glow bounce with him and Lucy. Tama remained calm this time and lay quietly chewing an old shoe while we played.
I feel I'm making progress finally. A lot depends on whether I'm stressed because the dogs pick up on that. It's another reason why it's so important to stop the relentless targeted harassment.
I applied under the official information act for details of accusations made to WINZ, but have heard nothing yet even though I think it's past their deadline. I have however recieved a reply to my inquiry with the police. Apparently I'm not allowed to divulge that information, but some details had been "redacted". In other words the information was withheld "under section 53c". So since this is NOT information I can divulge this screen shot.
While I understand that snitches and criminals need protection, I think their victims also deserve it. In fact, protection under the law is in the UN declaration of fundamental human rights. Thus I believe I have a right to know what I am accused of and a right to reply and defense. Consequently I also believe that the infringement fees imposed on me recently without any such opportunity will be unlawful.
I hereby assert that any penalties imposed on me must be determined in a court of law where I am given an opportunity to defened myself. It's completely overwhelming to be confronted with thousands of haters online and in the communit and the autorities protect their identity, empower them and encourage them under pretext of "crime prevention". WTF crime do they think they are preventing? What they achieve is to encouraging stochastoic vigilante action and conniving to deny me any defense what so ever!
Didn't sleep well and been feeling depressed. The only joy I get from life has been walking my dogs. Just out of the gate, but Tama and Fuego are so powerful now. The driveway was slippery and I had to release them, or I would have gone down.
With puppies barking at her, Lucy too has been playing up. She is reluctant to go the way I tell her. She clearly communicates that she wants to do busy roads and traffic lights instead of bland parks, but I haven't dared to ever since I learned the dog-lead by-laws aren't just for Covid 19 level 4.
I decided to take Lucy for a town walk anyway and made a video that I had embedded here. Alas a hateful cunts and her troll clique abused it to dob me in with Christchurch City council. So that and some other videos here are now password protected.
Even though the whole purpose of the video was to show how reliable Lucy was in traffic, the council demanded exorbitant infringement fees. I denied liability and told them to take it to court, which they did. Not wanting to live in such a toxic shithole I had sold my home and moved away by the time it came up. I submitted my affidavit with the evidence that the council was lying, that they were fully aware complaints were vexatious and made out of malice and they dropped their case, but alas, driving back to Christchurch and hiring somewhere to stay with my dogs had cost me significantly more than the infringement fees would have been, despite representing myself.
We walked thru the park and soon discovered more dog lead compulsion... alegedly to protect "nesting birds (in the middle of the winter, I wondered?" I've not seen my dogs even attempt to attack wild life (apart from chassing a rabbit once that Fuego didn't come anywhere near catching). Note: I lost this video as I shutdown my rumble account when it was being abused to dob me in with city council
Yesterday I found a dead kingfisher on the path there. I hate seeing things like that. I didn't have my camera so I picked it up and took it home. I couldn't actually face doing an autopsy. I'm not qualified anyway, but I bet this was done by a cat rather than an "off the leash" dog. I do know there are lots of irresponsible people around, who don't give a damn, but I will supervise my dogs. I would never let them kill anything that wasn't officially a pest.
Yesterday I had accidentally left my camera in the car, but as soon as I realized we about-turned and strode swiftly back to reduce the chance of it being stolen. Expecting the worst, I heaved a sigh of relief when it was still in the glove compartment. I've started uploading pictures to my howl zone site again, but still not sure how to organize them. This time, after deleting the totally failed ones, I put them in folders related to the date.
Today I got some nice pictures but without Aroha as he wasn't with us this time. Since the pictures often have many dogs in them I'm putting my edited versions in the lucy folder.
Bottle Lake forest is one of the few nature walks where dog leads are optional, but we met a woman with hers on a lead. Tama and Fuego (my 6 month old puppies) had gone up and sniffed her dog and I could tell by her reaction she was not happy so I told them to run on and they did.
Then she started giving me a lecture that I should put mine on a leash whenever I see another dog on a lead. I explained mine were obedient and had done as I told them. She then launched into a rant how it wasn't fair on her dog. I calmly told her I simply would not be able to get all the leads out of my backpack, and catch all my dogs every time I see one on a lead.
What gets me is the attitude. People are taught to respect and defer to women and some just take it for granted, but for so many years I've let these Karen's intimidate, bully and boss me around. Now they just make me angry. There are plenty of nice walks where dog leads are mandatory, she should go there. Mine had done nothing wrong atall.
I've been leaving the back door open so that my canines can go potty when they need to, especially as they had a bout of diareah a few weeks back. Fuego had learned how to open the front door, so he was able to get out, but the others just couldn't hold it until I got there.
Alas allowing the dogs to get out also allows mice to get in and since we're now having frosty nights there seem to be lots of them. They nibbled a hole thru the bag of dog biscuits and had been feasting on those. I discovered they had also been pissing and shitting on them and maybe that is why my dogs had the diareah in the first place, so yesterday I bought 2 mouse traps. I had barely put one down and heard it snap.
I felt bad looking at the innocent little creature. I don't like killing and even struggle with fishing but the humane traps where you release them outside would just mean they come straight back in. I doubt I could be a butcher and the story my dad told me once of a deer with half it's legs shot off, walking on magot infested stumps made me vow never to be a hunter either. It does seem hypocritical that I eat meat and feed it to my dogs too. Yet it's that never ending struggle between prey and pradator that is the origin of species.
I want to resurect an old blog of mine about intelligent design if I can find it. Spoiler: the intelligence of Nature resides in the interaction ecosystem, just like our own intelligence is in miriad connections between neurons rather than a single magical ganglion that lords it over the rest. By analogy I believe centralized government is doomed to fail and suspect that the concept of an omniscient omnipotent creator is indeed a delusion.
I have no qualms about killing flies but I won't be shamed into a diet of insects artificial proteine or veganism. It's not natural, but I will pay the extra price for grass fed beef, freedom farmed pork, and free range eggs as I do think animals should be treated with respect and compassion.
Last week I bought two brand new Chuckit dog balls that Lucy loves to chase on the beach. I also bought a packet of bio-degradeable doggy-do bags, because I do think tidying up after my dog is the right thing to do. I left the balls under the seat in my car and put the bags in a spare box on the dash board so I will have them handy whenever we go out. Mysteriously the balls disappeared. I searched high and low in the house and garden incase my puppies had run off with them, but found them not.
Today setting off for a walk, I went to get a fresh roll of pooh bags out of the car, because the one in my pocket had run out. Opening the box on the dashboard I discovered they too were mising. Just two used face masks remained. My spare glasses were also gone from the glove compartment and while none of it is particularly valuable I can only conclude my car was broken in to. Come to think of it, I found the car door had not been shut properly one morning and now I suspect thieves had seen me walking the dog. They would have sneaked up my drive way while I was out. This kind of thing has been going on for years and they do it for fun.
Lucy, Tama and I went for our walk around the block. Both of them did a dirty big shit on the pavement. All I could think is, "thank you my dogs" for giving back to the community what they have earned.
Note: I'll get some new bags and if the turds are still there next time I walk past, I might consider picking them up. OTOH, society is clearly turning to shit, so why should I even care at all?
Almosty home and Lucy runs off to see if Brew is in. He's the father of her puppies. Kate is relaxing in her garden and invites me in. She asks how I am and normally I lie and say "I'm fine thanks, how are you?", but this time I tell her the truth and she dashes in and gives me a pretty posie of nastertiums from her garden. The bright colors cheer me up and I've been taking them with me to whatever room I'm in. It's funny how something like that really does make difference!
I've been very concerned about world political situation in that all our governments are on board with a globalist NWO where we will be ruled by an international financial elite. Horrified, I watch yet another video of police arresting a man for an online post he allegedly made and we've seen peaceful protestors violently assaulted and treated like criminals by the cops and the courts, while the corrupt media spin it as had they been a threat to society. Do I even want to live under such an oppressive regime?
I've blogged elsewhere about the abuse I recieve from authorities at the instigation of anonymous haters. Nobody checks their motives of vindictive unprovoked malice, now today my two puppies started attacking Lucy (their mother) as we were out walking and I had to separate them. Lucy is very sensible in traffic so I sent her ahead and told her to go left then wait at the crossing. As I rounded the corner I could see her standing exactly where I wanted her but some youths were taking a picture with their cell phone. They saw me and shouted that I should have my dog on the lead then took a picture of me with the two puppies (both on leads). I asked if they were going to dob me in with the council and they told me they had big hunting dogs themselves and how irresponsible I was.
The other day I took my dogs up on the hill and there lovely walks there. It's not lambing season and many paths don't go anywhere near sheep. Apart from that, I taught Lucy not to chase them and had been hoping to teach the puppies too, but big signs everywhere that dogs have to be on a lead. I wonder if those "men" have their hunting dogs on leads when they go hunting? All I want is a nice relaxing walk in nature with my canine companions. They would love to burn off some energy with a good run, bounding over the hills, just for the sheer joy of it. Maybe it's time to fight back? Total non compliance. Let them do their worst. There will be consequences because I would rather die than live in fear in a dystopian world run by snitches and bureaucrats on a power trip.
With social media you can subscribe to channels you would like to get notifications about updates, however that is then confined to that specific platform. I often found I got none or too many and was unable to communicate due to censorship there. Recently I tried to respond to a Youtuber but found I was shadow banned. I went looking for him on alternative media but found no way to connect, so I wondered about what if somone wanted to communicate with me?
At one time I did contemplate implementing a traditional RSS feed for my site(s), but I gather few people use those. RSS is broadcast only and does not facilitate recieving any kind of response.
If anyone did want to follow me the best way would be by subscribing, or simply visiting my Disqus channel which covers my own site(s) as well as my interaction on other sites that use Disqus too and I plan to make more use of it as handy notes or supplements to my pages.
In the night I resurected some of my old blog pages about photography. Here is one about my Christchurch Earthquake experience, but I only had a cheap camera back then. I really do want to get on with genuine things and meanwhile my dogs are clamouring for more attention. I've heard nothing about the court case trying to defend myself from the cancel mob, but plenty of threats from various authorities, so I'm gunna have to reengage with that 😒
Mikhail Gorbachev made the words perestroika
and glasnost
renowned world wide, as he announced a restructuring of the Soviet Union on the principles of openness and transparency.
These are the ideals I too hold dear for all of humanity:
That we all have free speech and freedom of information, to say what we think, to read what we want and to make our own mind up about truth without fear of reprisal.
Alas the world at large and most notably the once free West
has been sliding into the grasp of totalitarianism, censorship, social credit systems where the most cowardly gutter snipers rule by engaging cancel culture to take decent people down.
Thus we live in fear not knowing who is watching and what we might be accused of next.
I myself, was bullied off big tech social media, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube... by malevolent mobs.
They had been incited with malicious rumours. Outright slander coming from faceless cowards, concealed behind fake identities.
My response was to make my own independent websites, but even those have come under attack. The malevolent shit stirrers also abused authorities to persecute me IRL, and I do intend to stop them now. Either way, it's not going to deter me from speaking my mind in public. In due course I will be disclosing the truth behind the malice and lies, but that is not what my websites were ever intended to be about. All I wanted was to blog about creative programming ideas, and other hobbies like photography as well as my insights into social issues and current affairs.
I currently have three domain names that I intend to keep.
One is right here and it's just whatever x10hosting offered for their free site service although I've since upgraded to their premium service, but saw no reason to change the name.
Another one is It used to be "", but site
is shorter and was a cheaper domain. "ngaro" means lost.
It is my last name in te Reo.
Finally I also created that was intended to become a free speech platform of my own design, but I decided there were just too many malevolent little shits out there with nothing better to do in their pathetic existance than gleefully trash anything anyone else tries to create.
I didn't fancy spending all my time moderating their abuse, so I'm just going to develop it for myself for now. The hosting is currently provided on my ngaro server even though the name is registered elsewhere and could be pointed to any server I choose.
On this service I shall be blogging about my personal experiences, world events and political issues the way I see them. In my howl zone I'm just going to host photo galleries and some videos too as well as implementing free speech commenting system, just all for myself for now. The ngaro site will talk about my IT technology ideas as well as thechniques in photography and any other hobbies I may have. At the moment I'm investigating how to deal with assiduous hack attempts, making my site "bullet proof" using radical and innovative techniques of my own design. I even intend to publish my code and we'll see if the hackers can find any way in. Regardless if they succeed, there is nothing they can compromise, as it's just a copy of what I have on my home computer 😜.
Disqus is the generic commenting system that I originally had chose for my website. It's a free speech system that relies on page administrators to do their own moderation. You can follow people who make interesting comments and thus find other websites of interest that also use Disqus. I was looking for alternatives because it was malfunctioning, but this was due to security features in my web browser, like disabling 3rd party cookies (Disqus would be a third party on my site). Having explore alternatives I've decided to go back to Disqus. Click the Disqus icon to give it a try.
I did explore integrating Dissenter. Dissenter was a browser pugin that allowed anyone to post comments on any web page, but moderation would be down to the Dissenter team exclusivel, and so, far from being actual free speech, they even shut my account down for using the 'N' word where it was inline with the page I was commenting on. Also, I personally don't want filth plastered all over my web pages, that I can do nothing about, so I understand that other big tech banned the plugin and it became only available with the Dissenter web browser itself.
I was also interested in creating my own discussion platform "". That too would be free speech but with community moderation facilities: Anyone can cause any comment to be hidden pending review. Only things that actually break the law would need to be removed because people could set their own filters of what they didn't want to see. Events elsewhere made me realize I would need a large team to review all the flagged content, so I explored allowing users to host their own comments on their own server. That way I would not be responsible for what they post, but would get quite technical and just facilitate abusive online behavior. I've shelved that project for now, but I still think the idea has potential.
Presumably intended for on-topic discussion of the associated video, Bitchute forums have degenerated under seige from faceless trolls. The recent ones impersonating me, are relentlessly posting agravating slander and indirect threats. They are way off topic and derail all intelligent debate, especially when it disagrees with their far left ideology. After I shut my forums because I don't have time to clean up all their mess every day, they started spamming up other people's forums, yet carried on targeting me personally, there where I could do nothing about it.
BitChute aims to put creators first and provide them with a service that they can use to flourish and express their ideas freely.
These trolls however are NOT "creators" they upload no material of their own. They are parasites using free accounts with the sole purpose of malicious gossip and sabotage. Conceptully Bitchute would be community moderated, but some channel owners take no responsibility for what is posted on their forums and rarely engage in discussion anyway. All they actually care about is broadcating their opinions. Bitchute at one time used Disqus as their commenting platform, but Disqus terminated their agreement due to the abuse. Free speech? Abuse it, and you lose it!
I wanted to make video blogs and had even bought a Bitchute gold membership a few years running, not because I needed the extra channels, but because I wanted to support their free speech initiative. However, these troll accounts, are freeloaders, but it looks like Bitchute have made their choice that it's the kind of community they want, so I won't be back.
Ive' moved to UGEtube which does have facility to block people from posting, but the embed feature is defective, IDK what they are like on censorship and TBH I might as well just upload my videos to my own website. I could open up my own commenting platform or simply go back to Disqus forums, with the advantage that you can follow people from and to other Disqus sites.
For the last two months while walking my dog I've been picking up carelessly discarded drinks cans, crushing them and collecting them in a big cardboard box, up to a dozen a time on some walks. I also had an alloy wheel that was cracked due to hitting a large pothole one night. It couldn't be repaired as the crack was at the base of a spoke.
There was a queue of vehicles at the first scrap metal dealer and after waiting for over half an hour I decided it wasn't worth my time. I drove round to another one and there I rolled straight in. You can see what they paid me on the receipt. Now I wouldn't say it was an easy way to make money, but it also helps keep the environment tidy. Drinks cans are not bio-degradable and I really just don't understand people's attitude given city council has refuse bins in strategic places. Here is some video footage of me picking up on one of my dog walks.
Reversing out of my driveway and suddenly I hear a loud shout and see a cyclist with a trailer behind him swerve off the foot path. I have little sympathy for him as I was being cautious and slow. Our street is designated as a dedicated cycle route where vehicles give way to bicycles and he has no justification for cycling on the foot path.
My neighbour insists on growing a hedge all down the side of my driveway, so I've had this problem many times before with fast moving bicycles and e-scooters wizzing along: I just can't see them until they are right behind me. Last year I almost ran over a young girl on her bicycle because I was distracted by her father who was cycling on the road and shouting something (probably to his daughter).
Our street is a dedicated cycle way with 30kph speed limit. Cyclists have priority yet people continue to ride on the foot path, which I think more dangerous than cycling on the road. None the less other people's safety is far more important to me than my neighbours hedge so some of my driveway weed killer (accidentally of course) blew over that last bush there and had thined the leaves, but evidently not enough to give me a clear view.