
Country Living NZ

Moving from the city to the country turns to disaster.

Last updated: 2024-07-15

2024-07-14 unusual puncture

Got home from walking the dogs and noticed a hissing sound A bit later my almost new front left tyre was flat and has a very neat cut right the way thru the tyre wall. It's not something I ran over, but I can't imagine what could have done it.

I swapped it for the spare and later had it replaced: another $177 unanticipated cost. If it hadn't still been leaking I would wonder if this could be intentional vandalism and maybe it was done while I was walking. Viewed from the inside it was an exceptionally clean straight cut!

My biggest concern is the never ending unexpected expenses and how difficult it is to deal with living here. Imagine it being half way Karamea Bluff where it would not be safe to pull over for miles.

2024-01-10 The real West Coast

I've been finding it difficult to get anything done here as local shops really only have the bare essentials. Anything else I have to drive all the way to Westport, an hour and half tortuous drive and another hour and a half back. My dogs don't like being left for such a long time on their own and the back garden is not secure enough.

My attempt at being self sufficient in vegetables has failed and I gave up trying to catch fish. There is no hunting due to the 1080 bait drops and I probably wouldn't be given a licence even if there were. Someone on Twitter summarized the reality of West Coast living quite succinctly today.

a long narrow corridor

2023-12-13 Sneaky thieves


Tides Chart

For estuary walks and for fishing too, it's useful to know when the tide will be coming in. This site has the info for Karamea, but be careful you've selected the right Karamea.

The beaches ar the only place I am allowed to let the dogs off the lead and I shall discus the dog regulations on another page, but unlike Christchurch the beach sand is soft here. At times my feet sink in well over my ankles. Walking on this for many hours a day has damaged my knee and also brought back an old hernia.

During the winter the beaches are exposed and we get drenched by torrential downpours, but now in the summer there are days when it's blistering sun and we would so love a walk under a canopy of trees.

Bullied Out

The estate agent told me this place was fully fenced and I would be able to move straight in with my dogs. Alas! That is far from the truth.

Obviously I needed a proper gate across the driveway. I also paid for a survey to establish actual boundaries. Soon I realized what a huge job it would be to clear bushes and trees and do the whole perimiter, yet keeping dogs indoors, or on chains and a leash, even when they just needed to toilet proved impractical. I settled on a quick solution to divide off part of the front garden, and I paid a professional to get it done as quickly as possible.

Sadly all the nice nature walks in the area are off limits to dogs (even on the lead). The authorities also keep dropping deadly 1080 poison and deadly toxic carcasses could turn up anywhere. We're excruciatingly bored with the beach now and even that's not safe. I don't see any point staying.

I've decided to put what little money I still have towards a campervan and then we can hit the road together and go interesting places that hopefully have fewer restrictions. It won't be easy to sell this dump and I will still need somewhere to store my things, so I'm in no hurry and won't make the same mistake i made in Christchurch of agreeing to sell before I have somewhere to go.

Local authorities demand dog license fees and rates from me. I was willing to comply, even though I don't see a single service I would pay them to provide, as I use rain water and sceptic tank and there is no rubbish collection either. Despite all the defects I've been finding they massively hiked my property value for more rates. They also threatened me with infringement fees based on anonymous complaints about my dogs escaping, barking, or not being on a lead.

Here is the dog control enforcement officer with an official warning letter. He may seem friendly, but I was given no opportunity to contest the allegations. This is so déjà-vu I decided to pay them nothing this time. The only friendliness that is genuine is my dog's behavior towards this total stranger who is trespassing uninvited on our driveway to threaten us with penalties for things we didn't do.

I was put in an impossible situation here, yet I don't think I'm the villain. I am going to demand resolution of abuses inflicted by previous local authorities before I submit to any contract with a local authority again. Whatever they do decide my dogs and I won't just submit, lie down and then quietly starve.

2023-01-19 Stalked to Karamea

Rural communities can be cliquey hot beds of gossip, and Karamea is no exception, but i thought if I just stay friendly and don't get involved, I would be OK. Karamea residents use groups on Facebook to post events and services that would be helpful for me to settle in, so I joined a closed group with an account in my real name (a Facebook requirement). I was a bit taken aback that someone blocked me when all I had posted was friendly hello.

The malevolent hate mob from Christchurch found out where I had moved to. The "13" in 3rd picture here alludes to him knowing my house number which I can't remember telling anyone. To me it comes across as a threat.

2022-12-12 before I moved
2023-01-24 gloating
2023-01-31 doxxing

Thes malignant ominous creeps have no intention to relent and their network counts thousands of members.


The next day, where I took my dogs for a walk somone painted "Pedo Perduta" on the fence to incite suspicions and hatred in this new local community where I have as yet no contacts or real friends and make me feel vulnerable and unwelcome. It might even provoke third party vigilantes to come consequence me, like they had been doing in Christchurch.

I did have a bumper crop of feijoas and was putting them out to share for free with my neighbors. Then the whole box disappeared. I thought that was a bit selfish of whoever took them, but just assumed someone liked feijoas.

implied threat

... That was until Stuart Duncan posted a redacted video on his fake Twitter account of them being thrown in a river. Clearly in collusion with the perpetrator.

I suspect it's to let me know they could strike any time they please with impunity. An elderly and isolated transwoman, they want me living in permanent fear. Note that these same haters have in the past stated they seek to drive me to suicide. It's all because I dared question their co-governance agenda and TBH if that's how they plan to share government they can shove it right up their bum: I do not consent!

I did report it to the police. I spent many hours while the local cop typed a report and my dogs waited patiently for their walk. Cops concluded "we don't know who did it". AFAIK, they didn't bother talking to Stuart Duncan about his stalking and oblique threats.

Wrong Location

dogs excluded

Friends who grew up in New Zealand had recommended moving to the West Coast where I would find nature walks to enjoy with my dogs. The brochure for Karamea certainly suggests there are plenty around. Alas, having lived here for almost a year now I haven't actually been able to go on any, because what they don't make clear is that dogs are simply not allowed, not even on a leash.

There were a few walks that were not in National Parks but recently even there they have excluded our canine friends.

1080 drop

Everywhere in nature here they've been dropping deadly pest control, 1080 poison so, it's just not safe, as one sniff of that stuff can kill your dog. OTOH, walking alone while my companions have to wait patiently at home would just really feel sad and pointless.

The wrong place

After coming over for a viewing I had made an offer on a place in quiet cull-de-sac. I showed the estate agent, Paul Murray, that I did have the money to pay the full price, but would have to get the rest released as it was invested longer term deposit. He never got back to me, but the vendors of the place i'm in now, gazumped my offer there. With all the lawyers doing nothing due to Christmas break, I was left with no choice, but to buy theirs, or end up on the street with nowhere to go.

I arranged for a professional pre-purchse inspection. Very expensive as he had to come all the way from Nelson. Then I had to cancel that when the vendors, Darryl abd Rachel Rouhgan, suddenly claimed they were "self isolating due to Covid". I had little choice but to trust the estate agent's "builder friend", David Webster. His inspection didn't pick up on any of the major defects, not even the chimney having to come down, the collapsed piles and lack of insulation. It later transpired he was fully booked with work for the Rouhgan's new house that i was gazumped on. I suspect there was some collusion there.

Although it's not marked on the map there is a rather busy access road to a string of small batches down one side. There is also quite a bit of traffic with white-baiters going to the estuary and pedestrians often walking their dogs. In Christchurch the double glazing greatly reduced the noise.

for chasing a cat

Here OTOH some neighbors play loud music, have their TV turned up or make noise at night that can set my dogs off barking. One of them smashed big holes in my greenhouse because Tama had jumped the crappy fence and chased their cat. It's just not the best situation for us. Lucy OTOH, who I spent a lot of time with training in traffic, misses that. She would love to go out at night and do proper traffic lights, but there is nothing like that anywhere on the West coast.

Rotten Home


My water pump would run every few minutes. I had to order a new pressure tank because the diaphragm in it was no longer airtight and thus unable to maintain pressure. I did manage to fit the new one myself but the pump would still run frequently. Sure enough I found a leak as there was a hissing sound under one of the floor boards in the kitchen.

The water pipes were all badly corroded. I tried to get a plumber to come, but the nearest one would be in Westport. They had a job coming up in Karamea and agreed to drop by and have a look at mine. Alas every time I phoned them they would postpone it "until next week" and meanwhile I had to keep switching the pump off to avoid wasting all my water.

Eventually I got fed up waiting. I had no idea what I was doing but ordered some medium density plastic pipes online then ran them through to bypass the corroded metal ones.

rotten floor

Plumbing for the old kitchen sink was inaccessible so I planed to put a new sink next to the cooker here. I also discovered that the floor was all rotten and it was going to be expensive. Thus, rain or shine, I am still washing my dishes in a wheel barrow outside and my priorities have had to change.

collapsed rotten piles

Another thing I wasn't made aware of from my pre-purchase inspection was that the foundations were rotting away and had collapsed. Trying to patch this house up was going to ruin me financially and I'm convinced there was collusion to sabotage the inspection and rip me off, but I shall discuss all that at later date.