Dog Wars

Last updated: 2024-06-04

2024-05-30 Intimidated and accused by farmer

I got shouted at and bullied by a farmer for walking my dogs on roads where his cows sometimes walk. He claimed it causes them to abort their calves!

Web search says the infection is rare and I had never heard of it before I moved to Karamea. Apparently it was not recognized until 1988, yet it's world wide and this here is a current sign in the UK where last century I obliviously walked my dogs all over country side right-of-way!


I do wonder how farmers cope with their very own cattle dogs and I think this guy was unreasonably agressive, blaming my dogs.

After reading about it I am now concerned about feeding my dogs potentially infected meat even though his products do seem to be exceptional quality.


Understanding Neosporum life cyle confirms that my dogs were no danger to the farmer's cows:

  1. I pick up my dog's poos.
  2. There is nothing for cows to graze on roads.
  3. My dogs were not congenital born infected.
  4. Not hunting dogs and don't get offal to eat.

What I will do is make extra sure to clean up any dog poohs that cows could access. I will also in the future cook raw pet meat, in hope that will kill any bradyzoite cysts.

2024-05-02 Passing the home of the yappers

Walked in to town today and on the way back we passed the place where the yappers live. Their owner has dobbed me in with dog control because my dogs bark back at his when they pass our house. Here you can hear them start yapping well before we even get to their place and their agression and vicious snarling carries on as we walk past.

Tama does actually bark back eventually, which is unusual. I suspect he wouldn't have done if we had been walking the other side of the road. This shows what a hypocrite the owner is for complaining about my dogs and how ridiculous that dog control threaten to penalize me on his say so.

2024-05-01 Animal Contol Warning

Local policeman came round to let me know that Tracy from dog control reported recieving complaints about me tying my dogs up outside the shop. I had done so twice recently and it seemed a perfectly reasonable thing to do as they are not allowed in the shop. You can hear that Tama does bark at someone outside. He will do that when he senses hostility, but I don't believe he would actually attack anyone. He was on a short (82cm) leash leaving plenty of clearance for people to get by unhindered.

Yesterday I was rudly told I was in the way while tying them up. Once again there would have been ample space for people to get past and this bully had no reason to get so stroppy.

2023-10-05 provoked and threatened

Deliberately striding two abreast on a narrow path next to an electric fence so my dogs would have no choice but to trot past them at close proximity. I am not sure who they were, but behaved as if they own the place.

7 month old Māyā snifs his leg as she goes past and he shouts "this is the kind of behavior I don't accept". Damn, I cursed myself for not having my video glasses on!

I called my dogs back and said they had done nothing to him. He claimed they should be on leads as they weren't on the beach yet, but AFAIK the path is part of the estuary walk, one of the few where they are still allowed.

I told him to report it to animal control. He said, in an ominous way that he didn't have to use them. Then he objected to my dogs having doubled back. I explained I had called them back because I tought he was going to be a cunt about it... and he said "Oh yes I am".

I just walked on, but was fuming deep down. My dogs are my companions. They've always been playful and friendly to everyone, maybe too friendly for some.

Weaponized Snitch community

After dog control distributed their leaflet inviting dog barking records, I've noticed people trying to provoke him.

e.g. My nextdoor neighbors came home. They screeched to a halt in front of my gate and reversed round to park on the curb. Tama did run up and barked once or twice. I think he was right to do so as their car came threateningly close to the gate in an abrupt manoeuver, even skidding in the grit. I switched on my recorder and subsequently this is what went on.

who is being a disturbgance here?

I decided to take Tama for a walk on the lead and tweeted about him having barked at stray dogs in my garden recently as the reason becomes clear.

Now I'm not somebody who will bitch about others making noise, but I find it very hypocritical when they are the ones dobbing me in with Animal control.

As far as I'm concerned I will need a proper judge's decision rather than unilateral penalties from some jumped up little bureaucrat, on the says so of anonymous snitches because IMHO it's not my Tama that is being a nuisance here.

Feel free to comment on my Disqus tab.

Bad reputation

With disappointingly inadequate fencing my dogs soon got a reputation for running off and even though they were lovely friendly dogs some people would react agressively if they came near them.

I did my best to keep them in and get a gate built as soon as possible while shoring up the fence with spare roof panels, but it soon became apparent I would have to keep them further away from the busy "farm batches" access while trying to get anything done here at all was really difficult, without contacts or friends to help. In Christchurch I did need my dogs to warn me of intruders, vandals and thieves because New Zealand police are worse than useless and I had been given clear indication I would get the same treatment here so while I claim the right to have Tama as my guard dog.

Angry Neighbors

I had one lady follow me out to Oparara estuary. She drove up and started abusing me for not having them "under control". She stated some people are afraid of dogs.

She was in her car and my dogs were nowhere near her. For me, the whole point of going to the estuary was so I could let them have a good run and play ball together, but rather than argue I just asked her not to run over my puppy who had scampered on ahead. She then launched into a diatribe about my responsibilities so I just turned around and walked off. People had already been making threats to call dog control when I could see no harm in what they were doing, so after that I started wearing video glasses to record events while we're out.

Animal Control

Animal control alleged an "incident" at the estuary on 10th of August. They gave me a stroppy letter and threatened a fine of $200 if it should happen again, but no opportunity to contest it. I hadn't videoed the event, but I had blogged about it on Twitter that day.

There do seem to be an awful lot of little yappers in the area. I gather someone has been breeding multiple litters. Here is the owner of one, threatening Tama for barking at his dog. Even though his yapper is barking he shouts abuse and kicks my fence.

Next thing I know, Animal control hands me a dog barking survey that he is distributing in our street. Attached is also their demand for hundreds of dollars in "dog license fees". Clearly aimed at inviting the most disreputable snitches in the area to anonymouysly dob me in.

It's a very cowardly way to set a whole community against someone with two faced hypocrites stabbing me in the back. Consequently I simply can't trust anyone. Here the dog control officer is accompaning the fence kicker in a flagrant attempt of entrapment.

Buller district dog control parading outside my gate with the yapper owners to provoke my Tama. Yes he does come rushing out barking, but that's because theirs were barking.
My recorder failed to capture that, but Tama is not psychic and would not have known had they been silent.

— Melahi (@Melahi65919940) September 19, 2023

Are the complaints justified? Well i think they are hypocritical. Here for instance is me walking Tama into town and he's as good as gold, even when the yappers up the road start barking at him (about the 4:10 mark in the video), he doesn't bark back.

Tama town walk

Then here is a clip of us walking past the dogs at the place in the quiet cull-de-sac that I was gazumped on. I doubt their dogs would have fared any better than mine in the shit-hole they sold me, besieged on all 4 sides by assholes.

Neighbors report me to animal control because Tama barked at them when they walk past my house... Tama and i shall be walking round the neighborhood too and we'll see who is doing all the barking.

— Melahi (@Melahi65919940) August 27, 2023

And this one is a neighbor having a go at me and saying he's reporting me as I walk back from the beach just because they bark when we get to the main road even though fully under control.

kick them

Hate mob

Just like the haters in Christchurch their informants will be deemed doing their conscientious civil duty. Their word will be taken at face value and i will be presumed guilty, regardless what I say.

In the end dog control there did drop the case once I submitted my affidavit with evidence that their informants were acting out of malice. Those didn't even live in my area, while their agent had demonstrably lied about being a witnes to my alleged infringement. By then, however, they had already deducted $450 straight from my superanuation. Further more I was forced to spend $1600 accommodation for my dogs and I as well as $800 in petrol and sundries like printing costs in preparation for the hearing I had managed to get.

Above screenshot was taken from the "Brutal Qwatch" web page where they've been inciting targeted harassment and my persecution for several years. Having run me out of town isn't enough for them and they are fucking up my life again, and still nothing has been done to stop them. It's time for shit to hit the fan and I'm determined that they won't be getting away with impunity.