Last updated: 2023-05-22

Māori Rangatiratanga

rangatiratanga is te reo for chieftainship, the right to exercise authority. It can also mean kingdom or sovereignty when interpreting the Treaty of Waitangi and in recent years it has become a racist ideology, redefining the "one people, two cultures" principle as a co-governance racial apartheid system for New Zealand.

Why I write this

Rarely have I engaged conversations about Māori issues. I was raised overseas and know little to nothing about it. Alas, allegations against me circulated malevolently in Māori communities have provoked cowardly hate crimes and malicious slander against me personally. Just trying to discuss the polarizing racial division in NZ makes one a target for terrorist activities by militant Māori and other loony left activists.

2023-05-22: Defy the Terrorists

The cowardly way I personally have been baited, defamed, slanderd and targeted with wave after wave of hate crimes, treated like a criminal by police, stonewalled by judiciary and ripped-off by colluding lawyers, makes me bloody angry. Racist Māori bullies had no qualms about consequencing me based on nothing but malicious lies and so I have neither sympathy nor respect for their cause. I will not recognize their co-governance as lawful authority. They built none of the infra structure here and can't expect to be payed for what we've already paid for.

Under UN declaration of fundamental human rights, I have a right to defense under the law. Community Law (allegedly a charity in NZ), refuse to help me deal with the relentless slander that is still going on today.

creepy caseworker 4

They "insinuate" my responses to anonymous trolls, imply racism. Well no, you dishonest fuquits! Questioning the Māori Apartheid agenda is not 'raaacism' it is my right to ask WTF is going on in divisive "aotearoa" politics today. Further more, how could I be racist towards troll accounts with fake names? What race would they be? They were demanding special privileges by race, so they are the racists and I an anti-racist wanting us to have equal rights under one law for all.

The legal profession aiding and abetting the slide of our nation into a hate filled Apartheid state. This is part of globalist agenda coming down from the UN through the "non binding" UNDRIP which is incompatible with our Treaty of Waitangi agreement that was already in place. There are plent of people exposing it, but what we need IMHO is action:

I dismiss any claim of IWI authority or payments. I shall start refusing to pay rates to a racially divided local authority and hope the next goivernment will reverse this unconstitutional condition.

No, I won't be paying yet another lawyer parasite, but I will stand my ground and physically defend my home that I have paid for many times over, by all means at my disposal.

Life under your terrorist rip-off regime, simply isn't worth living.

2023-05-06 Grass Roots Māori

Sometimes referred to as "every day Māori", I prefer "grass roots" as it suggests they are of the land, "tangata whenua" in their language: Not focusing on ethnicity, nor land ownership, but just being people that live here. I am interested in how they experience the militant demands for race based political power and the corporate Iwi public asset grab that doesn't seem to help them in anyway. I let Corina explain.

In the not so distant past it has been the aspiration of our nation to be one people with two cultures. Equality for all with no distinction to race. I still believe that was the intention of the Waitangi treaty and the intention of all that we worked to achieve together. Here is an inspiring song from not that long ago. Two cultures with maritime history, united.

What went wrong? IMO it was pride and greed, but I don't believe we have to accept racist Apartheid policies as lawful. I do not have any contract with the corporate Iwi parasites. I will not pay them ransom for using what is our land and our water because I don't acnowledge it as their property.

War Dance

kiwi codger

Simply disgusted to learn of millions of extra dollars pledged to "kappa haka" - performances of an ritualized war dance. Sure, it has it's place in our bi-cultural society, but does not merrit being exalted to this extent. A Youtube channel documents what Māori "civilization" was actually like. Violent, canibalism, slavery. Click the tab to learn real Māori history.


The Waitangi treaty brought peace and an end to intenecine wars, yet today we are still paying endless compensation claims and the government is funding it as if we some how owe them?

2023-05-05 Waka-Jumping Labour MP's


Highly devisive yet never declared as intention nor election policy, Labour has pushed through a Māori co-governance agenda. They've been transfering ownership of public assets like water infrastructure to race based corporate Iwi control. The PIJF bribes main stream media to promote Māori co-governance agenda with millions of tax payer dollars. Click the BFD tab for a discusion of the Māori Party threats as they hold our democracy to ransom.

Eventually Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern resigned in disgrace and several politicians of Māori persuasion have defected to the Māori Party. Could this have been a racist coup d'etat? I wonder, but the new Labour leader keeps the same policies just under a different name. Listening to parliament speaker stumbling through his text it's clear we won't be getting any answers.


Other political parties are equally on the Māori power and asset grab spree. Chris Luxon, the opposition leader does say he's against co-governance, but at the same time is learning Te Reo and making promisses that are race specific rather than treating us all as equal citizens.

Lee Williams expresses his interpretation: It's all about pandering to the globalsit elites who seek to impose UNDRIP. It's an artifcial apartheid system. It undermines New Zealand's treaty of Waitangi, an agreement between warring Māori chiefs and the British crown.

Meanwhile the man who claims he is Māori king has taken offense at some protocol during coronation of King Charles III. To me, the whole concept of a Māori king seems contrived as the tribes were not united under one leader when the crown became hea of state, so I'm not even going to find out what the snow flakes are whining about now.


On Twitter I was berated for complaining about an official web page being in Māori even after selectng English as language. Then the victim narrative progressed to how colonizers beat the Māori culture out of kids at school, for which Turei also would like an apology from the Crown.

I don't believe it. There was no official policy banning children from speaking Māori, many Māori did recognize that their kids would need to learn English to gain access to tertiary education, vocational training or to open opportunities on the international stage and even the biased Herald article admits "The only language he and other Ngāpuhi children knew was te reo Māori." It says it was their parents who wanting the best for them believed that meant focusing on English. Finally, in the pictures they look mostly of European descent and I can't imagine they would want no part in that side of their heritage.

IMO this is a trend cultivating false victim culture for the sake of demanding compensation from people who perpetrated no injustice to others who suffered none.

We're having Te Reo shoved in our face daily. It doesn't help communication. Also changing place names to Māori is equally confusing. For instance, there is controversy about Otahutahi for Christchurch. IMHO it was the vision of British settlers to create a cathedral City on swamp land that they bought for that purpose from the reigning tribe that resided at Kaukourarata (Port Levi). Said Iwi, (Ngāi Tahu) actually used to refer to Christchurch as ‘Karaitiana – Christian’. It was not the ancestor Tautahi who inspired it.

2023-02-22 Sliding into racial division

Racial division in "Aotearoa" (New Zealand) is becoming more acrimonious by the day. Here Rawiri Waititi (co leader of the Māori Party) is celebrating the murder and eating of explorer captain cook.

I really don't see how he can blame explorer James Cook for "colonisation".


It's not just those who identify as Māori who are inciting racial hatred. Here is a self proclaimed "brown girl" poet, of Samoan and European descent using her "art" to instill hatred against white people, even though I think she looks rather white herself.

Haven't they now not elevated racial identity to the state of a mental disorder?

Maori Party Politician

"Color" being their assumed gender, these niggers remind me of Rachel Dolezaal (click the wiki tab to learn about her transracial delusion). Their Māoriness is fake.

Tipene O'Regan

Look at Debbie's mom... she must be so disadvantaged raised in oppressed Māori culture? NOT! There are endless grants going to anyone who claims a whiff of Māori blood, also read about Sir Tipene O'Regan, such a fine Māori family name /sarcasm for their vocal reparation advocate.
It's a rort.

Māori today

I've never been interested in the race issue, because I don't think race is a defining trait of a person. I do however think there are cultural aspects that are worthy of respect and others that are less so. I believe that cultural practices, unlike race, are something we can choose to engage with and so it should be open to criticism.

Government Handout

This is a post I found on the Facebook of someone who has been maligning and slandering me personally with malevolent intent.

Now you might think I'm out of order posting this uncensored, but keep in mind she had no qualms about doing it to me and my son, when he was still a child. She has carried on remorselessly for the past 15 years, and unlike her, I'm not making vile accusations that could provoke hate crimes against them. So fuck that bitch, let her have a taste of her own foul medicine.

Amanda apparently claims to have Māori ancestry although I've never seen her embrace any such cultural traditions, or even speak their language, yet there she was bragging how much her son "deserves" a special ethnic scholarship, not available to those without the necessary whiff of ethnic blood in their veins. Who are these people? Let's have a look.

Mandy 2014
the prodigal son

They don't look anything like an "ethnic minority", do they now? I can't imagine they suffered discrimination that disadvantaged the son's education in any way, shape or form and so I conclude: They are just working the system to leech off government support that was meant to help those who have been disadvantaged. It was never meant for trougher parasites!

Why special treatment?

Statistics show that people of Māori descent are not doing as well as those of European or Asian descent, yet most have significant non-Māori ancestry so it can't really be due to genetics. That leaves discrimination, but also cultural differences as probable cause.

It could be that pandering to alleged racial grievances may be affecting people's motivation to become high achievers. For instance one of my friends was a competent plasterer. There was loads of work around in his trade during the Christchurch rebuild, but instead he chose to pretend he was a 'carer' and do no work at all. As a carer he received a special benefit, but he did no caring worth mentioning. That was all being done by a district nurse.

I stopped being his friend because he would borrow money to buy alcohol, or cigarettes and turn up later in the day to borrow more, but very rarely was he able to repay me even though he was getting twice my income with his carer scam. To put it bluntly, the government handouts were harming him, not helping him at all. I feel sad for his dogs and for him, because he really is a very genuine guy who could have been doing so much more with his life.

Mind the Gap (Gang Culture)

Another significant factor might be that the nuclear family is not part of Māori culture. Tamariki would be raised by the extended family collectively - Child of the tribe. Alas, in our newly amalgamated bi-cultural society some fell in between and got no support from either! Neglected and left with just each other to turn to, they band together with a rough and ready gang culture of their own. New Zealand has the highest proportion of gang membership in the world!

I think this is something on which we need to unite, all of us, Māori and Pākehā ... let us close that cultural gap and stear our younger generations away from a life of crime by embracing them in both cultures rather than leaving them to be assimilated into the no-mans-land of gangsterism.

Gangs in Education

Last year a politician questioned our minister of education whether it was appropriate a gang was using a school for a funeral of one of their members. Lessons were suspended for two days under the guise of promoting traditional Maori culture. The image shows the deceased gang member wearing his Mongrel Mob patches. His name and appearance suggests he has significant European ancestry so indeed quite possibly somewhere in that gap between our two cultures. Here is a rough translation for those of us who don't know the Māori words:

A read
Funeral details for Joseph "Triple J" Morrell...

This notice reaches you late due to many discussions needed in order to make a final decision. Due to the mourning being held at our school, and because it will continue until Tuesday, we have decided that there will be no lessons for the next 48 hours, resuming as normal on Wednesday 26th of May.

Please spread this to as many families of our pupils as possible...

In a bilingual country like ours, I think it would be preferable to send out the notice in both languages separately rather than jumbeling them up like that. This is becoming an anoying habit in official communications here in New Zealand: It leaves many of us guessing what exactly has being said.

Mob Crime

The real issue is, however, the respect and status it confers to gangsters. I won't go into details, but you can Google criminal activities attributed to the Mongrel Mob to get an idea of what they are involved with in everyday life. In the minds of the children this ceremony at their school may be conflating said gang culture with Māori traditions. So I think the politician was unfairly accused of racism for questioning if it was appropriate. Surely it would have been better for their rangatahi to learn about traditional ceremonies from eminent members of their tribe?

Māori in Politics

ACT party leader
useless Maori

Most Māori people don't make an issue of their race. For instance, the leader of the ACT party, David Seymour, has Māori heritage, but their policies are not harping on endlessly about "indigenous" rights. I suspect he might even be ideologically opposed to the racist schism that we see creeping into government.

However our current Māori Development Minister, Willie Jackson has flamed him as a "Useless Māori" and doubled down on his racist statement saying "He [Seymour] deserves to be attacked, he's attacking the Māori nation". What's this separate Māori nation I wondered straight away?

Here is a trimmed down version of a confrontational parliament performance by Rawiri Waititi, co-leader of the Māori Party. You don't have to look far to see the separatist legal frame work being constructed on the basis of race. Even their cultural practices are now designated "intellectual property" and you will be accused of cultural appropriation if you adopt any of it.

  1. The opposition leader discussing He Puapua really isn't making "racist" remarks.
  2. The PM's equality of outcome health care ought to look at eating habits, exercise and substance abuse rather than assuming it's systemic racism in the health profession.
  3. Rawiri was deliberately disorderly, sabotaging the debate in defiance of Mr speaker's caution.


The treaty of Waitangi has been reinterpreted to imply a partnership between the crown and the Māori tribes. This co-governance paradigm has been sneeked in step by stealthful step under successive governments, but never presented to the public as an election issue.

Part 1
Part 2

It's creating a huge bureaucracy in which nothing can get done without iwi aproval. Here are two videos in which the implications of "co-ownership" of water known as He Puapua is explained. This is just one example of many new race based institutions that will become more significant as we migrate towards a multi-cultural society in which the European heritage and maybe even the English language will lose relevance in Aotearoa.

he Puapua

While 174m gave an intelligent analysis of the new government policy, he subsequently shut his Youtube down, because he has family who would become the target of Māori terror... Here is a Facebook post gloating about it to somone else they are trying to bully into silence. I concealed the person's actual name because it's inappropriate to doxx him like that. I've also removed his avatar from the thumbnails.

implied racial vigilante threat

Utu Justice

implied threat

Utu is the Māori principle of reprisal that was the traditional mechanism for "justice" in their culture. Utu can be administered indiscriminately to anyone remotely related to the alleged perpetrator even if they are personally completly innocent. It's a kind of tribal feud system.

Terrorism is the policy of dominating people by fear, usually for political motives. I stumbled on adjacent Tweet recently and while I wasn't involved in the discussion the intention is obvious to me: To intimdate her opponent with threat of reprisal by her relatives. Note: pakeha = non maori person, whakapapa = genealogy, tīpuna = ancestors.

Facebook post by Maori Party co-leader

In current year the accusation 'raaacist' has become the go-to censor for anyone who questions the Māori political agenda such as Māori co-governance, even though in reality, doing so is opposing their systemic race-based demands for legal privileges and property. It qualifies as terrorism because the accusation alone likely incites unidentified 3rd parties to acts of vigilante retribution, with a lynch-mob mentality.

Over the last year haters (instigated by the Amanda mentioned at the head of this page), have been baiting trolling and flaming me personally as such, as well as branding me a pedophile and a rapist. You can read more about that on my page about harmful communication, but here are two posts claiming to be targeting me personally int the name of the maori party, an elitist race based political party party who on their own website claim genetic racial superiority.

white racist scum
maori party personal attack

Using a fake name, they make vile personal attacks on public forums, just because I dared question their politics?

In the past such had resulted in life threateing extortion. The police dismissed it as "civil case" and my lawyer said that when the gangs are involved (royal) we don't get involved. It's complete nonsense. Of course I was afraid, but no way could I carry on handing them money every time they came to my door. Still today the NZ authorities will do fuck-all about them posting allegations like this on Facebook. Are they just going to wait until someone gets killed, leaving me to live in fear and denying me means of self defense?

trans girl rapes gangster?

Dairy shop keepers started a campaign against the rise in ram raids and roberies after a shop keeper was stabbed to death. A girl showed a hockey stick she would use to defend herself, but the police promptly threatened one could end up on a charge if any of the raiders were harmed. Typical of whanau mentality someone chimed in to threaten further assaults in prison, thus intimidating victims of crime into silence and inaction! I find their attitude truly barbaric and steeped in misguided racial resentments.

weaponizing convicted criminals

Anyone who dares question their racist Apartheid agenda will be baited, framed and demonized as a "raaacist" and then terrorised into silence with implied vigilante threats. This may be the kind of "Law" we should expect from a primitive stone age culture, but should we be accepting it in our <current year> democracy?

stochastic terrorism

In European cultures, justice requires an independent and objective arbiter: a qualified judge, not an angry mob. Reverting to this "Justice Aotearoa" utu-culture is not going to end well for New Zealand.

Satanists in Parliament?

What a person does in their own home is none of my business, and dressing up can just be for fun, but for a politician to parade what I consider fetish attire with Satanic undertones on her Facebook does raise questions about her aspirations.

fomenting racism
maori co-leader

Many maori invoke whanau on social media, which I feel is divisive with racial undertones and undermines the fundamental principles of democracy.

On Twitter co-leader of the maori party tweets racial hatred and incites his race to "fight on all fronts". I tried to give a rational reply.

Tribal Law

In a Christmas eve mail shot from NZCPR (not available on their site yet), Muriel Newman writes as follows:

What we have also learnt from 2022 is more about the Prime Minister’s radical socialist agenda. It has become glaringly obvious that her aim is to deliver control of key New Zealand institutions and services to tribal leaders who run multi-million-dollar business development corporations. This is essentially privatisation by stealth, since their goal is not the public good – it is control of New Zealand for their own benefit.

And what we now know, from the extent of the reach of this tribal agenda into virtually every government department, is that what Jacinda Ardern has actually put in place is the co-governance of New Zealand.

This represents a massive betrayal by the Prime Minister, as New Zealanders’ fundamental democratic rights are being eroded by stealth.

None of this was foreshadowed during the 2020 election campaign. Jacinda Ardern did not tell voters she was intending to roll-out a tribal rule agenda. In fact, she had kept the whole thing secret from her Deputy Prime Minister, Winston Peters - even as the groundwork was being prepared under cover of Covid during election year.

While a Cabinet Minute records that the New Zealand First leader had been at the meeting in March 2019 that authorised Minister Nanaia Mahuta to develop an implementation plan for the United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, once the He Puapua blueprint for tribal rule by 2040 had been delivered, its initial enactment appears to have been a covert affair.

It was only after gaining an absolute majority at the 2020 election, that the roll-out began in earnest and at such a pace that it became obvious that co-governance was in play.

It was well orchestrated: to remove a potential obstacle, the $55 million Public Interest Journalism Fund was established in early 2020, which had as a core requirement that recipients must promote the Treaty “partnership” fabrication upon which co-governance is based.

The mainstream media were in effect paid off to buy into He Puapua.

Even now, the guidelines for the final round of PIJF funding shows their focus is still on ensuring Maori journalism influences editorial decisions: “Priority will be given to applicants who show… the impact it will have on editorial decision making...”

From the time we first discovered He Puapua just after the 2020 election and revealed it through our newsletters, we have been uncovering how this unmandated agenda is being embedded into our legislative and regulatory framework.

In health, the reforms were aimed at centralising our community-based District Health Board system to not only enable the establishment of a separate system for Maori, but to give the tribal elite the power of veto.

This is now manifesting itself in the emergence of an apartheid health system that prioritises patients on the basis of race instead of clinical need. Using the bogus goal of delivering “equity”, if you are Maori you will now be given priority over other New Zealanders with greater need.

Jacinda Ardern’s administration is responsible for deeply dividing New Zealand society as Kiwis are increasingly being segregated on the basis of race: those who are Maori elevated into a privileged ruling class, while everyone else is relegated to second-class status.

This has become very obvious in the battle for water.

Three Waters has now been expanded to five waters, with coastal and geothermal water added without any consultation at all with the wider community after submissions had closed. Not only was there no Cabinet sign-off to this massive expansion in the scope of the Bill, neither the Prime Minister nor her senior Ministers were aware that the change had taken place.

It therefore seems that co-governance is actually tribal totalitarianism by another name.

Furthermore, Nanaia Mahtua has ensured, through her law change, that iwi will have full control of water in New Zealand: from the all-powerful Maori advisory group to the water regulator chaired by her sister, to the co-governed regional representative groups with veto control over the four new water services entities, to iwi having the power to dictate what happens in their local area – it is all tied up. It is therefore highly likely that it will only be a matter of time before water royalties for Maori, in perpetuity, are introduced.

In reflecting on gross government incompetence and failure this year, two areas stand out. One is immigration, where too few migrant workers have been allowed into the country, leading to widespread business failure as a result of the worker shortage crisis. And the other is crime.

With iwi leaders opposed to increasing immigration, is the present workplace catastrophe yet another example of co-governance failure?

And since He Puapua has the goal of replacing prison for Maori with wrap-around services - as well as creating a separate tikanga-based justice system (similar to the new Maori health system) - are we now experiencing the consequences?

Is the dramatic reduction in the prison population over the last two years, whereby criminals who would previously have been locked up to keep people safe are now back out on the streets, yet another disastrous example of co-governance in action?

Jacinda Ardern has already signalled she is planning an overhaul of local government. With a co-governance model to give iwi control of all of the functions of local government including rates the most likely outcome of her reforms, shouldn’t property owners be concerned?

In brief: By 2040 we will be under tribal law, administered by unelected hereditary iwi chiefs.
It's Feudalism at best!. I shall just finish with condensed views on Iwi by Kelvyn Alp of from Counterspin