
Last updated: 2022-07-24

Spirit of a puppy

He was the runt of the litter, with a firey spirit (Fuego means fire in Spanish). Yet he is ever so gentle and affectionate. Doesn't bite or scratch like some of his siblings and he soon caught up with them in weight. This biography is dedicated to him specially, because he had an accident... a set-back and I want to document his recovery.

2022-07-24 Face Bite

bitten face

The light's changed. Fuego realized that meant we move, so he jumped up, biting my face to tell me. It's probably in his sheep herding instinct, but very dangerous and sent all the bread rolls I got from the community pantry flying. It's probably not the way to teach a dog, but I too instinctively reacted and smacked him.

bedding devastated

He's fine at home as I train him to focus on a toy and play with me. Having treats works too, but letting him off the lead in the park and he pays no attention what so ever as he runs off to play with other dogs. I don't know that I have the time for it because I don't want Tama and Lucy to miss out.

I also can't just leave Fuego as the other dogs get rough with him and he still chews things. Lately it was my bedding and he already destroyed all the dog beds we had and a chair too. He's the most difficult dog I've ever dealt with.

2022-07-21 Attentive Guard Dog

attentive guard dog

Fuego snuggles up at my feet during the night, but the slightest sound awakens him and he barked at a vandal trying to wreck my letter box at 0:30am. They ran off. Alas he also somhow hears the neighbour's cat padding about and wakes me with barking at that much to my annoyance.

Tama is totally different. He suckles on the duvet as were he still a nursing puppy, making it soaking wet, but I just love them both and don't expect perfection.

2022-07-06 One On One

Fuego keeps barking at Lucy and attacks Tama when we are out. Tama and Lucy are fine together regardless if they are on leeds, so it's time to give Fuego some serious one on one training and get him to focus on me rather than the other dogs.

I put him on a long lead and took him round the block, just me and him. He's quite good at waiting at each crossing, but the moment I say "over", he jumps up and tries to bite my arm or my face. It's the command I was using to tell Lucy to cross. I put my foot on the lead each time so he couldn't jump up and that calmed him a bit. I also discovered that if I changed it to "cross" he would not jump up and trott over but none the less, I don't want him jumping up when I give Lucy the command.

2022-04-07 Fuego lets himself out

Desperate yelping woke me in the middle of the night then I heard the door open. I thought OMG who is that? Jumped out of bed to find Fuego squatting on the driveway relieving himself of a very runny explosion that I am confident he could not have contained for another second. Teaching him how to open that door has been worth it, but neither Tama nor Lucy have any clue how to do it. I do wonder if I could teach Fuego to close the door again on the way back in, but he will need to grow a bit to be able to pull it towards himself.

Both Tama and Fuego have become very good at hopping in the car when I tell them to, but Lucy remains reluctant. She's become very stubborn since she had the puppies and likes to do things her own way. I never realised how much of a dog's behavior is down to their character rather than the training one gives them.

2022-03-19 Fuego opens the front door

On arriving back I was getting bags out of the car after unlocking the door, but Fuego was so pleased to see me he jumped up and accidentally opened the door. I repeated it a few times with treats as an incentive and he's quite proficient at it now. Will he remember how to do it tomorrow? I wonder.

Lucy never did learn because I had already taught her not to jump up at people and so she never tried. Tama sits there and watches, but he hasn't worked it out yet either.

I'll just watch

Fuego struggles to keep up with Lucy and Tama on our walks round the block. He prefers to sniff and explore, or just to lie in the grass, so I've been exercizing them separately. Having 3 dogs is quite demanding, but they are my only real friends and I am rewarded with love that is unique from each of them.

We have been going to the beach together every day recently. I play ball with Lucy rather than walking any distance and the pups can join in the chase or just sit and relax as they please. Letting them scamper off independently is challenging and I've been working on the "come" command, rather than "here" which sounds too much like "heel" I think. At home they are brilliant at it, but with the distraction of other dogs and people too, Fuego takes no notice of me, nor of the lure of treats either!

2022-03-08 Leg recovering

Fuego on the Beach

Fuego's leg is still giving him twinges from time to time, but the swelling has subsided and he seems to be doing fine on it. I think he will make a good recovery and it will grow normally which would not have hapened without the growth plates being put back in place.

One day I hope to see him running and splashing into the waves, just like his mommy does.

2022-02-26 Wound Swelling

Joint swelling

Fuego's leg had obviously been bothering him and so I kept the elizabethan collar on him. Eventually he managed to move the bandage anyway, and so I took it off only to duscover there was significant swelling. To me it felt very hard and bone-like so I was concerned something might have shifted.

I e-mailed a photo to the surgeon. As it was weekend I didn't get reply until Monday, but he assured me that bone can't grow that quickly. He said I could bring him in and he would try to work out what was going on.

Alas, I had a restless night because Lucy was playing rough with Fuego while Fuego was just desperate for some affection from me, out of his crate. Thus in the end I didn't take Fuego: I had decided it was time to stop messing with it although in retrospect maybe a course of anti-biotics would have been more appropriate.

In the Beyond

What is there out beyond the gate mommy?

Fuego & Pebble

Siesta with Pebble

All the puppies are sleeping and I though: Why keep my little Fuego locked in the crate with a collar on? See he is perfectly safe with Pebble and I can keep an eye on them when they become active again. I love these little animals so much, and he needs his social interaction when it's safe! 🥰

Pebble plays gently

Little Fuego was back in hospital for a checkup on his broken leg and a bandage change. At this age they are growing so fast they need one every week.

The nurses at Animal Orthopaedics decorated Fuego's new splint with fire logo. They also put a new Elizabethan Collar on him to make sure he wouldn't chew it. This one is much easier to put on and off (unless he starts squirming), so I take it off when I can keep an eye on him, especially so he can chew a bone, or have a milky drink from mommy. He hasn't made any attempt to chew his splint yet, but I put the colar back on when I have to leave him just to be on the safe side.

Love my mommy. She's the best!

He's so frustrated being in the crate. He ripped up all the paper that I had lined it with, so he has towl instead. Although Lucy loves him she wants to pull the bandage off his leg.

Max got Fuego's collar off.

Max OTOH seemes determined to get the colar off his little brother. He succeed at that with amazing efficiency, so I really have to watch Fuego when he's with any of the others.

To me it's important that he keeps doing poohs and pees outside and I have to avoid moisture getting on his leg that could carry infection. I suspect it's like performing a juggling act.

2022-01-25 All Guns blazing!

Tug of War

Tug of war, 3 against one. I didn't call him Fuego (fire) without reason. This little one is all action, a live wire!

Alas I can't let him play this game with his broken leg, or it may not heal straight.

2022-01-20 Surgery


At this very moment, Fuego is in surgery. It will decide if he will once again be able to run and jump and play like other dogs... or live in pain as a cripple for the rest of his life. $5014, more than my car cost and that doesn't include all teh x-rays and other consultations. People say I'm mad but for me it was not a hard decision to make. I've been ripped off and taken to the cleaners so many time at least this time the money is being spent on a little creature that deserves it: He captured my heart from the start!

2022-01-14 Fuego's accident

This page branches off from the puppies page. It is dedicated to my little Fuego and am not currently looking to find a home for him. The adjacent picture is of him on the road to recovery after surgery.


I thought all the puppies were in the puppy room, or out in the garden. I started playing "bounce" with Lucy in the living room when suddenly little Fuego comes galloping up while Lucy comes crashing down upon him with the ball in her mouth.

Poor little Fuego goes screaming off in pain and I can tell immediately his leg is sticking out at a funny angle. I phone the Animal and Bird Hospital. It is within easy walking distance and yes they can fit in an emergency appointment!

Alas their x-ray team has finished for the day and I have to make another appointment. Eventually it's confirmed that the growth plates on Fuego's tibia have been displaced. It's not a simple break. For an extra $200 They can get me an expert opinion and I say "yes please".