The government offer an opportunity to make submissions to the Ministry of Transport regarding prioritising transport emissions.
Here are some of the replies I gave to their consultation:
TODO: sort out order of slides
What incenses me is the sheer stupidity of these “experts”: They went blundering into Paris agreement and have been chomping at the bit to declare a climate emergency ever since.
They make so many dumb assumptions, but once we have whole fleets of
EV’s charging overnight, cheap rate electricity prices will disappear.
One way or the other our country is going to have to pay for the roads
for all the vehicles that use them. All of their cunningly calculated
economies will disappear faster than they can regulate.
We may even have to build more coal power stations to meet increased demand which completely defeats the whole purpose.

The consultation was totally based on the assumption that we, the people, agree about the need to reduce carbon footprint artificially. Yet I think, let fossil fuels run their natural course to exhaustion rather than try regulating it at this late stage. In the interests of it's people every independent nation should carefuly plan and choose their own focus, to prepare for the future rather than have it dictated by the UN. Alas every single one of our political parties have the same zero carbon green agenda. Our main "opposition" party is National, so I wrote to them (and got no reply).
I may come back and add some more writing and would be happy to engage intelligent discussion, check the Disqus forums for this page.